
Spring Clothing Drive

The Port Washington School District, Port Washington Parents’ Council and Town of North Hempstead are sponsoring the ninth annual Spring Clothing Drive to help those in Port in need. Donations can be brought to the Manorhaven Pool lobby from April 4 to 8. Lynn Steinberg and Jennifer Mannion are organizing the event. Steinberg and Mannion are copresidents of the Port Washington Parents’ Council, an umbrella organization for the district’s HSAs and PTAs.

(From left) Melissa Vissicchio, Lynn Steinberg and Stephanie Silverstein

“While we are involved in many aspects of the school community, one in which we are particularly proud is our districtwide outreach efforts,” said Steinberg. “We coordinate outreach for community members in need.”

In addition to spring and summer clothes for children and adults, they are collecting concert wear (white tops, black pants and skirts), prom dresses and sports equipment (excluding balls). Donations should be in good condition. Dates to select clothes at the Manorhaven pool
lobby are: Thursday, April 7, from
6 to 8 p.m. (open to families with tickets provided by the schools); Friday, April 8, from 1 to 4 p.m.
(open to families with tickets provided by the schools); Saturday, April 9, from 9 a.m. to noon (open to the general public).

For more information, call Lynn Steinberg at 516-767-1297 or Jennifer Mannion at 718-926-877.