
Auditions For HarborFest Family Fun Stage

Calling all Port Washington children between the ages of 5 and 18 who sing, dance, play a musical instrument, read poetry or are otherwise talented. The Port Washington Chamber of Commerce wants you to practice, practice, practice and come to the HarborFest talent show auditions on May 6. This year’s 26th Annual HarborFest celebration will take place on Sunday, June 5.

The auditions will be held in the front room of 382 Main St. (the Community Chest building/Mertz Community Center) on Friday, May 6, from 3 to 7:30 p.m. Come anytime during these hours—there is no preregistration. A docking station/smart phone plug-in and CD player will be provided, but please bring your own musical instruments.

Instrumentalists not performing with bands should come to the auditions, but band performers should instead email debbiegreco@verizon.net or call 516-767-3123 anytime before May 15.

The Fun Stage will feature entertainment for and by children from 10 a.m. until 5 p.m. The Talent Show, which runs for approximately three hours, will begin at 10 a.m.

In addition to the Family Fun Stage, activities at this year’s HarborFest include a variety of other performances, games and activities for children, a craft fair, cruises on the schooner SoundWaters and the Port Washington Water Taxi, local merchant booths, a model boat regatta for third-graders, a fabulous food court, an Enviro-Expo, a new exhibit in the “Pride of Cow Bay” Nautical Museum, free kayaking, free trolley rides and much more.

The Talent Show chairperson is Debbie Greco Cohen, president of Greco Integrated Communications and vice president of the Port Washington Chamber of Commerce. For more information on the talent show or other HarborFest activities, call the Port Washington Chamber of Commerce office at 516-883-6566 or email office@pwcoc.org.Harborfest031416B Harborfest041316A