
Student Wins Award In Cricket Magazine Competition

Holly Simon

Holly Simon, age 9, of Port Washington, received Honorable Mention in the January 2016 Cricket League writing competition. For this contest, each entrant was asked to submit an original story about an unexpected visitor. Her story is posted at www.cricketmagkids.com/con tests. Cricket features the best short stories, poems and articles by the world’s finest children’s authors and is illustrated by the best artists from here and abroad.

In each issue, award-winning Cricket sponsors a different and unique writing or art competition, with hundreds of entries pouring in each time from enthusiastic Cricket readers all over the world.

Founded in 1973, Cricket is published by Cricket Media. Cricket editorial board members include Cricket Founder Marianne Carus, Roger Sutton, Ann Thwaite, Katherine Paterson, Linda Sue Park and Anita Silvey. Carolyn Digby Conahan is the staff artist. Now available in both print and digital editions. For more information go to www.cricketmedia.com.