
GN Public Schools 2016–17 Election Results

Election Results
The polls just closed and the results are in for the 2016–17 Great Neck Public Schools election. All of the propositions passed by significant margins.

For Proposition 1, the 2016–17 Great Neck School District Budget passed with 84 percent of Yes votes, 975 to 182.
For Proposition 2, the authorization to use the Capital Reserve Fund passed with 981 votes for and 166 votes against.

For Proposition 3, the change in election method for the board of education also passed with Yes votes totaling 922
and No votes totaling 204.

For Proposition 4, the 2016–17 Public Library Budget passed with 
903 Yes votes and 239 No votes.
Monique Bloom was reelected as a Board of Education Trustee with 776 votes.