
Parking Issue

Is our government working for us, or do they think we work for them?
Last week Cynthia Davantis wrote, appropriately, regarding the lack of parking enforcement in Manhasset.
To add to that discussion, I offer my own experience. I parked my car at the Manhasset train station, with the bumper sticker I bought and affixed to the bumper. I must have knocked the daily dashboard card off the dash with my baseball hat as I rushed to the train.
I got a ticket for $85. The daily cost to park at the station is $3. I made a mistake and it costs me 30 days worth of parking?
That’s where we have evolved in this country, whose government can’t balance its books and run efficiently without abusing its citizens.
Alexi de Tocqueville. We are there. Hope you think about this small example and project it to the rest of the county, state and country and consider that very few incumbents are worthy of reelection.
—Peter Duffy