
No Third Track

NewHydePark_WebLogobI have numerous concerns about the third track from Floral Park to Hicksville. In short I say: no third track!
1. There is concern about our water supply in the future. More development is not wanted.
2. The Mineola Train Station would be greatly damaged. Where the present two tracks pass under the new Mineola Boulevard overpass there is not room for a third track. The overpass would have to be busted up.
3. The ticket-waiting room buildings would be destroyed and the pickup-dropoff areas would be compromised.
4. The facts have to be faced. Long Island is very populated. Even out in Suffolk County, Route 110 is heavy traffic all the way from Huntington to Amityville. Route 110 is lined on both sides with corporate buildings.
5. It makes sense that those who would work and have a career on Long Island would want to live here. A commute twice a day is a large chunk of time. That would result in less load on the LIRR, not more.
6. There are still quite a lot of green spaces such as the pristine wooded areas bordering the Northern State Parkway. It needs to stay that way.
7. If pushy Cuomo and pals want to revitalize some place, help out the large area of New York State south of the Finger Lakes where it is badly needed.
One wonders if they know what they are talking about. I don’t buy any of the wonders they say will benefit Long Island.
—Charles Samek