
Celebrate Father’s Day

FathersDay2016Father’s Day is Sunday, June 19, so celebrate by taking out some books about fathers, grandfathers, uncles and Father’s Day. The library has picture books about Father’s Day, such as Christine Loomis’ The Best Father’s Day Ever!, Mercer Mayer’s Happy Father’s Day and Anne Rockwell’s Father’s Day. For a nonfiction book about Father’s Day, check out Ann Heinrichs’ Father’s Day. The library also has general books on father and grandfathers such as Dan Andreasen’s Saturday with Daddy!, LibChildrens_061016EEric Hill’s Spot Loves His Daddy, Helen Foster James’ Grandpa Loves You, Douglas Rees’ Uncle Pirate to the Rescue, Barney Saltzberg’s Tea with Grandpa, Marter Altes’ My Grandpa, Todd Parr’s The Grandpa Book, plus many more.
Check www.gardencitypl.org for upcoming events and registration dates. Funding for these programs has been provided by the Friends of the Garden City Public Library.
—Submitted by the Garden City Public Library