
Middle School Quartet At Lincoln Center

Lincoln+-622125AFour Herricks Middle School students performed in the 21st annual Young Ensembles Concert, held recently at the Rose Studio of Lincoln Center.
Dara Bao, Justin Koe, Kyle Pinzon and Justin Yang comprised a Seventh Grade Cello Quartet and represented one of only eight groups selected from the greater metropolitan area.
Under the guidance of Orchestra Director and Quartet Coach Krista Weis, the students initially submitted a recording in January and were chosen based on their outstanding audition. They played the piece, Cello Quartet Op. 6, by Josef Werner.
“Thank you for the work that you do to bring chamber music into the lives of your students,” Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center Director of Education Derek Balcom stated in a letter to Ms. Weis. “The hard work and commitment it takes to reach the level we heard from the students is awe-inspiring for all of us at the Chamber Music Society.”
­ —Submitted by Herricks Public Schools