Alison Coggins, a student at Seaford High School, participated in the 16th annual Students Inside Albany program, sponsored by the League of Women Voters New York State Education Foundation. She represented the East Nassau chapter (which meets at the Levittown Library every month, except in the summer).
Students are chosen on the basis of interest and participation in school and local government, and on their intended future career pathway. Local leagues interview and choose the students among all the applicants from their county or area. They have a hands-on learning experience about how state government works. While in Albany, students have an opportunity to tour the state capital and shadow their own senators and assembly members.
It is the hope that the students will be inspired to become more aware of the citizens’ responsibility in representative government and get others in the community involved.
The League of Women Voters (LWV) is a non-partisan political organization that encourages informed and active participation in government. For more information, visit For the local chapter, call Barbara Epstein at 516-221-1948, or visit
—Submitted by Lucille Safir, publicity director of the League of Women Voters