
True Blue, The Veil Is Off

dscn6572The new  water tower has finally had its cover removed after receiving its paint job. The new water tower is replacing the antiquated tank that was erected in 1929 which holds 500,000 gallons. The new tank has been under a covering for the past few weeks while the tanks has been being painted. The new tank supplies 250,000 gallons more water to the area which has developed significantly since the 1930s.

According to the M-L Water District anticipated the painting to be complete by the end of November at which time the old tank will be removed.”

Manhasset-Lakeville Water District serves about 45,000 customers through over 10,000 individual service connections within a 10.2 square mile service area. The district produces its supply of potable water through the use of 18 separate wells located at 13 different sites throughout the Manhasset-Lakeville area. Two elevated tanks hold a combined 1.5 million gallons.