
GNCA To Hold BOE Candidate Meet And Greet

Candidate meet and greetThe Great Neck Chinese Association (GNCA) has organized a meet and greet with the eight candidates vying for the open Board of Education (BOE) trustee seat left vacant by the resignation of Monique Bloom on Thursday, Dec. 1, from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. at Great Neck House.

Community members will be offered the unique opportunity to have an open discussion with the candidates running in the BOE special election, which will be held on Dec. 6. The focus will be on the education of our children and the future of our community. At the meeting, ask questions, share concerns and make your voice heard.

Great Neck House is located on 14 Arrandale Ave. Admission is free, but space is limited and will be on a first-come, first-served basis. For questions, email gnca.org@gmail.com
or visit www.gnca.org.

Donald PanettaJosh Ratner and Lori Beth Schwartz announced their candidacies in the Great Neck Record during the past month. Candidate statements from Nikolas Kron and Donna Peirez are appearing in this week’s paper. Statements from candidates Michael Darvish, Grant Toch and Nicholas Toumbekis will appear in upcoming issues. All statements can be viewed by clicking on the candidate’s name.