
Venturing Through Valentine’s Day

A celebration guide for every stage of the relationship

Valentine AAnyone who’s been in any convenience store lately doesn’t have to walk further than a few feet to know that Valentine’s Day is on the horizon. Love it or hate it, Feb. 14 will inevitably be marked by signature red heart decorations, chocolates, stuffed animals and more Hallmark cards than probably necessary. But not all Valentines are created equal, and the protocol for celebration will undoubtedly vary from couple to couple.

If you find yourself in a plan-seeking panic in the coming days, here’s a rough guide to follow for every stage of the relationship you may (or may not) be in.


Just because you don’t have someone to spend Valentine’s Day with doesn’t mean you can’t romance yourself. Spend the day making it all about you. Order in your favorite cuisine, draw a warm bubble bath, binge watch a new show or some movies (romantic comedies are suggested, but not mandatory), and buy yourself something nice or just a lot of assorted chocolates. And if you can stand to wait a bit, Valentine’s Day candies are almost always on sale the following day.

New Relationship

So you’re in the dreaded, confusing preliminary stages of dating. Girlfriend? Boyfriend? Just friends? If it’s too soon to tell or you’re too timid to make any grand romantic gestures just yet, you can’t go wrong with just spending time together at a casual restaurant or bar. For millennials who shy from using titles or even the word “date,” there’s nothing wrong with just hanging out. Feb. 14 is just another day on the calendar, and if you can survive a night of being together while surrounded by other couples showering one another with love and affection, you may have found yourself a keeper. Maybe even a Valentine’s Day 2018 date.

Long-Term Relationship

If you and your significant other are at the point where it seems that you’ve done it all, don’t throw in the towel just yet. Recycling isn’t just for paper and plastic products but can also be applied to former dates. Remember that super romantic dinner you cooked four years ago? Or that sentimental note you wrote 10 years ago? Simply do it all over again and recreate the magic from the memories. Your boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife will be delighted that you even remembered something that happened so long ago, and you hardly had to think too much about it.