
UJA Matches Jewish Families With Local Seders

PassoverSederALooking for a place to celebrate Passover? UJA-Federation of New York is working to make the Jewish holidays a warm and welcoming experience for all. Its Find-a-Seder resource will provide a list of pre-Passover festivities and Seders during the first two nights of Pesach at local community centers and synagogues of all denominations throughout Long Island, the five boroughs of New York City and Westchester.

For more than 25 years, UJA-Federation’s J-1-1 Information and Referral Center has been matching Jewish families with communal Seders. A list of Seders can be found at www.ujafedny.org/passover/find-a-seder/list, and details more than 75 community Seders open to families looking to observe the tradition-rich holiday.

J-1-1 is a free information and referral service that connects the New York Jewish community with available programs and resources, and can be accessed through the Information and Referral Center on weekdays from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at 877-852-6951 or j11@ujafedny.org.

Space for Passover Seders may be limited. Fees vary by venue, and not all venues offer a Seder on both nights. Note: J-1-1 will be closed starting at 1 p.m. on Monday, April 10, and will be closed on Tuesday, April 11.