
Rebecca Sassouni: Candidacy For Great Neck School Board

The quality of our lives and the lives of a community are enhanced by its leadership. A case in point regards the upcoming school board election and Rebecca Sassouni’s candidacy to become a school board member.

I have known Rebecca for more than 20 years and have marveled at the leadership she has demonstrated, her energy and commitment to improve the lives of everyone within the Great Neck community.

Rebecca has tirelessly directed her efforts in numerous capacities; culturally, for her Persian roots, professionally, as an attorney, and educationally, as a leader in the Great Neck Public Schools system.

Educationally, Rebecca has served in a multitude of ways for the Great Neck Public Schools; at the John F. Kennedy School, the North Middle and North High schools, where her four children attended.

At the Kennedy school, she was a class parent, and a Parent-Teacher Board member at the North Middle and High School many times.

She has served as the parent cochair person of the North High School Decision Making Committee, a parent member of the Board of Education’s Citizens’ Advisory Committee, as an officer of the United Parent-Teacher Council and its Legislative chair-person for many years.

Given Rebecca’s numerous credentials and her active force to maintain excellent quality within the Great Neck Public Schools, I wholeheartedly support her candidacy for the school board and believe she will be a welcome asset to the board for a future generation.

—Lois A. Schaffer