
HMTC Walk The Talk…Never Again Ribbon Cutting

SPORTS HolocaustWalk
From left: Alan Mindel, member of the Board of Directors of HMTC; Assemblyman Charles Lavine; Congressman Tom Suozzi; Holocaust survivor Eva Kessner; Jake Dieber, Walk the Talk Committee; Cletus “The Hebrew Hammer” Selden, super lightweight boxer; Detective Sergeant and Deputy Commanding Officer Shevy Berkovits, Community Affairs Department, Nassau County Police Department; Andrea Farkas, Walk the Talk Committee; Marilyn Gessin, member of the Board of Directors of HMTC and Walk the Talk Committee; and Amy Puntus, Walk the Talk Committee

The Holocaust Memorial and Tolerance Center of Nassau County (HMTC) kicked off its inaugural
Walk the Talk…Never Again 5K with a ribbon cutting on the grounds
of Welwyn Preserve in Glen Cove.

The walk was a fundraiser to support HMTC’s education programs across Long Island that empower, mobilize and create upstanders—people who stand up to anti-Semitism and intolerance and advocate acceptance for all.

Rescue was the theme of the event and 25 posters, which were researched and created by the youth of the Babylonian Jewish Center in Great Neck under the leadership of Anna Hakakian, highlighted extraordinary actions of rescue by ordinary people during the Holocaust.