Revisiting The Glamorous, Glittery World Of Studio 54
By Anton Media StaffPosted on
Members of the ball committee: Museum Trustee/Leadership Sponsor Deborah A. Cannon, Victoria Crosby, Rebecca Hollander, Committee Co-Chair Deirdre Costa Major, Honorary Ball Chair Lesley Frowick, Museum President/Committee Co-Chair Angela Susan Anton, Nasrin Mesbah, Denise Silverberg, Risa Pulver, Gayle Finkelman-Cohen and Judie Chessin. (Photos by Tab Hauser)
Angela with Lesley Frowick, the niece of Halston, both in Halston dresses.
Members of the journal committee: Brigitte Ferrada-Stetson, Charles Chan, Rebecca Creavin, M. Patricia Janco-Tupper and Suzanne Kirkpatrick
Education sponsors Arthur and Arlene Levine, Arthur Levine is vice president of the museum’s board of trustees.
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Museum Director Karl E. Willers, honorees/ball sponsors Frank and Rita Castagna, Museum President/Ball Committee Co-Chair Angela Susan Anton.
Invitation sponsors Dr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Cuchel, Martha Kane and Dr. and Mrs. George Kane (Photo by Denise Rafkind)
Museum trustee/naming donor of the Manes Family Art and Education Center, Dr. Harvey Manes with Meryl Dee Feuer
Honorees and Ball sponsors Frank and Rita Castagna with Congressman Thomas R. Suozzi.
Nassau County Museum of Art’s major annual fundraiser, the Museum Ball, recreated the world of Studio 54 where superstar fashion designer Halston and his celebrity friends—Liza Minnelli, Bianca Jagger and Andy Warhol, among them—established the legendary club’s razzle-dazzle melding of music, celebrity, nightlife and fashion. This theme was inspired by the museum’s spectacular Halston Style exhibition which remains on view through July 9.
Called Night at Studio 54, the Ball honored Rita and Frank Castagna, two of the most admired and philanthropic members of the Long Island business community. Their Americana Manhasset and Wheatley Plaza are the region’s most prestigious shopping destinations.
Spearheading the way to a beautiful Night at Studio 54 were the Ball Chairs: Museum President Angela Susan Anton, Americana Manhasset President Deirdre Costa Major and Museum Trustee Laura Savini. The Journal Committee, co-chaired by John Gutleber, president of Castagna Realty Company, with Rebecca Creavin and M. Patricia Janco-Tupper of Wells Fargo Bank, galvanized support for the successful Journal.