
Church of St. Mary To Hold Mass for those Diagnosed with Cancer

To help raise cancer awareness on a spiritual level, The Church of Saint Mary will hold a special Mass on Thursday, October 26 at 7:00 pm to bring healing, strength, comfort and hope to Catholics diagnosed with cancer.church


Fr. Robert A. Romeo, who serves as pastor will celebrate this mass together with the priests of the parish to administer the sacred sacrament of the anointing. All family members of those with cancer are invited to attend the service which will also highlight prayers for the departed, cancer survivors and their loved ones.


The anointing of the sick conveys several graces and imparts gifts of strengthening in the Holy Spirit. “It’s a moment in the life of the Church that we hold sacred to present our loved ones with the opportunity to be anointed in their journey”, said Fr. Bob. It is through the ministry of a priest that Jesus touches the sick to heal them from sin and sometimes even physical ailment.


The Church of St. Mary is located at 1300 Northern Boulevard, Manhasset and is handicapped accessible. For more information, please contact the Parish Office at 627-0385 or E-mail information@stmary.ws.