Each year, the Great Neck Public Schools Board of Education announces its goals for the coming school year. At the Oct. 23 meeting, the board announced its 2017–18 goals, which follow.
1. To reflect on the work of the Building, Citizens and Financial Advisory Committees to the
board and review their recommendations for the parameters of membership in subsequent years. (The chairs of these committees will present reports at the Nov. 13 Board of Education meeting, which will be held at the Parkville School.)
2. To continue its partnership with both the school community and the larger community to best serve the needs of district students, their families and all residents. To this end, the board will explore holding a community-wide Wellness Fair in the spring of 2018.
3. To monitor the progression of the 2015 Capital Reserve and the 2017 Bond Referendum projects.
4. To expand the number of polling sites for the annual and special school district elections.
5. To assist in the orientation and professional development of the new Board of Education members.