
Technology Supports Spanish Language Instruction

Fourth-graders at Birch Lane Elementary School in the Massapequa School District recently used technology to hone their Spanish language skills. Students in Meredith Marin’s class created digital counting books.

Children had to pick images of six different items, and write the name of the object in Spanish along with how many there were. Students practiced their numbers and also learned Spanish words for many common objects. They completed their digital books with voice recordings.

The activity was planned by Marin, Spanish teacher Stacy Chesloff and technology learning coach Vickie Ahearn, and was made possible because of two district initiatives. The Foreign Language in the Elementary Schools program, or FLES, provides third- and fourth-graders with 20 minutes of Spanish instruction twice a week. Students completed the counting books on their own devices, which they received through the 1:1 Chromebook initiative.

—Submitted by the
Massapequa School District