
Troop 71 Braves The Cold

The winter weather did not deter a group of Troop 71 Scouts from enjoying a snowy, icy weekend at the 850-acre Dippikill Wilderness Retreat in Thurman, NY, just northwest of Lake George. After a four-hour drive north and a half-mile trek on foot hauling gear and backpacks, the group made camp inside a wide open rustic cabin devoid of any utilities whatsoever and heated only by a center fire pit.

After chopping and splitting wood, starting a blazing fire and preparing a delicious Dutch oven lasagna dinner complete with garlic bread, then s’mores for dessert, the Scouts played a marathon Stratego and Monopoly until lights out, to rest up for a Saturday full of outdoor activities that included a 3.5-mile hike exploring the woods to picturesque and serene Dippikill Pond and honing some cold weather fire-building skills. Following sandwiches and hot chicken soup, the Scouts enjoyed extreme sledding along the terrain’s many hills and card games by lantern light while preparing chicken and steak fajitas on the fire. Before turning in, the Scouts cooked a triple batch of fudge brownies. A great time was enjoyed by all.

Learn more at www.plandometroop71.com.