Translating to a 2.99 percent tax levy
The Manhasset School District has proposed a 2018-19 School Budget of $96,318,582, which translates into a 2.99 percent tax levy increase per household. The preliminary budget maintains all existing programs and services, within the tax levy cap and strengthens district priorities which include opportunities for students in the 4 A’s, teaching and learning, student and programmatic support, safety and security and learning environment. Here is a brief overview of the what is included in the preliminary budget.
Residents are encouraged to review and make comments to the Board of Education during this process. The next informal budget meeting will occur on Thursday, April 12, at Munsey Park Elementary School. This is the last opportunity for residents to raise concerns before the adoption of the budget on Tuesday, April 17.
The 2018-19 Superintendent’s Preliminary Budget:
• Reflects the values and priorities of the district
• Is at the allowable tax levy limit (tax cap) of 2.99 percent
• Continues all existing K-12 programs and services
• Reflects the belief that organizations are either improving or declining—there is no status quo.
Therefore, the preliminary budget, which amounts to a 2.59 percent increase from last year’s budget, also includes the following enhancements:
New Opportunities for Students:
• Teachers College Reading and Writing Project (TCRWP), a comprehensive literacy program, will be adopted in select K-1 classrooms in 2018-19, with full K-1 rollout in 2019-20, and incremental roll outs thereafter in grades 2-5
• Advanced Placement Computer Science Principles course
• Advanced Placement Capstone Program: AP Seminar course
• Principles of Engineering course
• Applied Physics course
• Advanced courses in Drawing, Painting and Music Theory/Keyboard Harmony
• Expansion of Project Lead the Way STEM Initiatives at Elementary, Middle and High Schools
Expanded and On-Going Support for Students and Teachers:
• Adoption of NWEA universal screening and progress monitoring tool for K-6 Reading and Math
• Expansion of Responsive Classroom social-emotional learning approach
• On-going professional development for Google Classroom, Math in Focus, KidOYO and zSpace
• On-going transition to NYS Science Learning Standards and NYS Social Studies Framework
• Increased CASA funding—from $35,000 to $45,000
Incremental Technology Resources:
• Extends the 1:1 Chromebook initiative to grades 3 and 4
• Provides all students grades 3-8 with a Chromebook and grades 9-12 with access to Chromebooks in ELA and Social Studies
Future Ready Classrooms:
• $80,000 is allocated to design and pilot future ready classroom learning environments
Increased Resources for Student Support:
• 0.4 FTE Reading teacher at MP and at SR
• 1.0 Professional Developer/Assistive Technology teacher, 0.4 each at MP/SR, 0.2 at SS
• 1.0 Teacher Assistant to support the HS Science Research Program
• 1.0 English as a New Language (ENL) teacher, MP 0.7/SS 0.3 FTE
• 1.0 ENL teacher assistant/translator at SS
• 0.2 FTE for additional section of Computer Literacy at MS
Safety and Security:
• Significant resources have been devoted to upgrading security equipment and software over the last five years, and these resources are continued in this budget
• The district participates annually in the Nassau BOCES Health and Safety Security Specialist Program, and works closely with the Nassau County Police Department to ensure continued best practices in safety and security
• The budget adds a Supervisory Aide at SS gym door to provide direct monitoring of visitors and drop offs through this entrance to the S
Authorization for New 2018 Capital Reserve Fund:
The district has a 2010 Capital Reserve Fund which is near its maximum voter authorized funding. Therefore, the May 15, 2018 ballot will include a proposition to establish a new 2018 Capital Reserve Fund, which will:
• Provide necessary flexibility in planning and funding future district-wide capital projects, improvements, renovations, alterations and construction
• Have a probable term of ten years
• Be capitalized with up to $10 million funded over the ten year term of the fund
• Be funded generally through the transfer of surplus money, if any, from the District’s General Fund unappropriated fund balance that may be available at the end of each fiscal year
• Fund specific projects to be identified and presented to the community for voter approval during the life of the 2018 Capital Reserve Fund
• Have no impact on the 2018-19 Budget or Tax Levy, or any future budget or tax levy
2018-19 Budget Process:
• Budget documents are available:
• Board of Education Meetings:
• Informal Budget Hearing April 12 to be held at Munsey Park School
• Budget Adoption April 17 to be held at the Community Room in the District Office
• Budget Hearing May 3rd to be held at the Community Room in the District Office
Vote on Tuesday, May 15 from 6:30 a.m.-10 p.m. in the Manhasset High School Gym on:
• 2018-19 School Budget
• Two (2) Members of the Board of Education
• 2018 Capital Reserve Fund
—Information furnished by Syntax on behalf of the Manhasset School District