
Assemblyman Meets With Schreiber Youth Group

DursoYouth 040418A
Teacher Sara Choit, Assemblyman Anthony D’Urso, teacher Susan Colon and student Anais Puentes.

Assemblyman Anthony D’Urso recently met with Port Washington’s Paul D. Schreiber High School’s Angelo Del Toro Puerto Rican/Hispanic Youth Leadership Institute (PR/HYLI). The students prepared a list of topics that concern them and discussed with the assemblyman law enforcement, education laws, sanctuary states and wage discrimination. This meeting prepared the students for their mock debate in Albany with students from many other schools from across the state. Their debate was very similar to the actual NYS Assembly debates and this gave them a feel for how the democratic process works.

“These children are our future,” D’Urso said, “We must educate them to let then believe in themselves and achieve their fullest possibilities.”

The PR/HYLI was named in honor of Assemblyman Angelo del Toro who passed away in 1994. He had a vision of what is possible for those who believe in themselves and their potential. Students are selected for the program based on their extra-curricular involvement and academic standing.