Carl Abraham’s column “LED Lights in the Village of Great Neck” in the April 4 issue of the Great Neck Record, which was in response to Rebecca Rosenblatt Gilliar’s article “Cheering LEDs Is Like Applauding the Coming of a Tsunami” in the March 21 issue, is totally off track with respect to the health hazards of LED light.
Abraham’s major complaint seems to be that Gilliar’s objections—and mine as well—are not based on rigorous scientific evidence. So what does Abraham do? He starts with a list of communities that are switching to LEDs. All this indicates is that the public at large (including our elected leaders) is still in a state of ignorance about the health hazards of LED lights.
Then, Abraham touts their environmental benefits—without one word refuting the health hazards! He mentions the importance of peer-reviewed articles, but does not cite any. I, on the other hand, have presented the results of several peer-reviewed studies (of which I believe Gilliar is also aware), in addition to the official recommendations of the American Medical Association. These scientists and doctors all agree that the blue-rich light emitted by the current generation of white LED lights is harmful to both human health and the environment.
For those who want to learn more about the health implications of LED lights, as well as wireless networks, environmental expert Patti Wood, director of Grassroots Environmental Education based in Port Washington, will be giving a presentation called Is Our Technological World Putting Our Health at Risk? at the Great Neck Main Library on May 23 from 7 to 8:30 p.m. I urge you to attend.