
Village Of Flower Hill Celebrates Arbor Day

Arbor Day is celebrated on the last Friday in April, this year on April 27, just a few days after Earth Day.

Trees are special, especialyl to the pioneers moving into the Nebraska Territory back in 1800s. We can trace the first Arbor Day to journalist J. Sterling Morton from Detroit who went west and found that Nebraska was void of trees which were needed as windbreakers to keep soil in place, for fuel and building materials, as well as shade for a nice place to rest from the hot sun.
The first Arbor Day was a tree planting holiday with prizes offered for the most trees planted in Nebraska. The event was set for April 10, 1872 and it was estimated that more than one million trees were planted. It became a legal holiday in 1885.
The Incorporated Village of Flower Hill celebrated Arbor Day by giving away 30 free trees to the residents of the village who requested them. Mayor McNamara and the Flower Hill Board along with village employees were on hand on Arbor Day to honor the oldest tree in Manhasset and possibly Long Island. The tree, a white oak, planted in the Reali’s side yard is testament to keeping trees healthy.

“People have come and parked in my driveway to view the white oak,” said Melissa Reali.

“The tree is magnificent,” commented Scott Kurkella, isa certified arborist. He has been maintaining the integrity of the tree for years.

The village considers the trees in the village to be extremely important and is doing a tree trimming program to keep trees healthy.