
Budget Passes

BudgetPasses 052318 1024x641 1
Anne Marie Curd and Carlo Prinzo

With light voter turnout, typical of many of the surrounding school districts in the area, Manhasset voters approved the proposed district budget of $93,890,748, an increase of 2.99 percent per household, and reelected Board of Education Trustees Anne Marie Curd with 1,091 votes and Carlo Prinzo receiving 1,065.

Voters approved the proposed Manhasset School District budget 1,004 to 412. The low turnout was either due to the weather or the general apathy residents have because the budget was under the New York State mandated cap of two percent. According to the Manhasset Board of Education, the district has issued an average tax year increase of 1.93 percent over 10 years and a 10-year average budged expense increase of 1.84 percent.

Proposition 2 to create a new 2018 Capital Reserve Fund dedicated to district-wide capital projects, improvements, renovations, alterations and construction was also approved, 995 to 414. The Capital Reserve Fund will provide the flexibility in planning and funding future capital project, improvements, renovation and construction. It is authorized for funding of up to $10 million over a term of 10 years It will be funded through the transfer of surplus money from the district’s General Fund unappropriated fund balance that may be available at the end of each fiscal year. Projects will be voted on by the community before monies can be used.