
Lulav Hadassah Group Honors Residents

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The Lulav Group of the Great Neck Chapter of Hadassah will honor Suanne Scherr.

The Lulav Group of the Great Neck Chapter of Hadassah will honor Suanne Scherr with the Lulav Presidential Award and Karen and Donald Ashkenase with the Lulav Community Award on Wednesday, May 30, at 6 p.m. at The Royalton Mansion.

Scherr has served as copresident of the Erev Group of Great Neck Hadassah, is currently VP of education for the Lulav Group, has maintained the position of Cards and Certificates Chair and is office administrator for Great Neck Hadassah.

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Karen and Donald Ashkenase will be honored with the Lulav Community Award.

The Ashkenases epitomize the qualities of leadership, passion and devotion. Karen started her Hadassah career at 14 when she joined Junior Hadassah and quickly rose to national president. She has been an active member ever since and is president of Sisterhood at Temple Israel. Don is COO at Nassau University Medical Center, an adjunct professor at Columbia University School of Public Health and sits on many community and health organizational boards, including the Great Neck Board of Education, where he is vice president and chair of the Financial Advisory Committee.

This event will raise money for Hadassah Medical Organization in Israel and will include boutiques, raffles and music. Learn more at lulavgreatneck@gmail.com or call Caryn Schaufeld at 516-487-1661.