
‘Save Our Syosset’ Rally Set For June 26

SOS AThe community group Save Our Syosset has been formed to stop the development of Syosset Park, a 92.8-acre, mixed-use development along the Long Island Expressway (Miller Place) and Robbins Lane.

SOS will hold a rally on Tuesday, June 26 at 6 p.m. at the gazebo next to Oyster Bay Town Hall, 54 Audrey Ave, Oyster Bay. It will take place before the 7 p.m. town board meeting.

The group “charges that Syosset Park is actually a mixed use city to be created on two pieces of toxic land located at 305 Robbins Lane and 150 Miller Place. One piece is the department of public works land which contains a 35-acre hazardous capped toxic waste landfill. This landfill was used by Grumman and Hooker Chemical to dump 6.7 million tons of toxic sludge, which is still sitting there today. The adjacent piece of property is the former Cerro Wire site, where a mall was proposed to be built many years ago. Both pieces of land are contaminated.”

According to SOS, the following are the risks they associate with the development of the project, which is still undergoing its environmental impact review and needs town approval:

  • Contaminating the single source water supply
  • Releasing toxins into the environment during seven years of construction, and risking the health of everyone in the vicinity, including children at two nearby elementary schools.
  • Increased taxes for Oyster Bay services, including police and fire protection
  • Overcrowding the Syosset schools, forcing new schools to be built and/or redistricting students
  • More traffic as well as riders on the Long Island Rail Road, exacerbating the lack of parking spaces at Hicksville and Syosset railroad stations
  • Five to seven years of construction with attendant noise, trucks, dust, etc

“This development must be stopped,” SOS organizers declared. “We need to fight and continue to demand that the Town of Oyster Bay perform true independent testing by community picked environmental experts overseen by geologists.

For more information visit www.saveoursyosset.com.