
Manhasset Chamber News-Shredding Event Saturday

The Manhasset Chamber of Commerce has been busy with numerous projects and programs. The chamber members meet monthly at Town Hall at 220 Plandome Rd. to discuss issues affecting merchants, the community and of course, beautification. Plandome Road has been transformed to reflect harvest season and autumn with the addition of cornstalks all up and down Plandome Road. The Manhasset Chamber beautification committee is hard at work making the hamlet of Manhasset a welcoming place to live and work.
Before the chamber held its monthly meeting, executive board members gathered at 585 Plandome Rd. for a ribbon-cutting on the newly expanded facilities of the Primary Holistic Integrative Center Suite 102. Chamber President T.J. Costello was on hand, along with board members Diane Harragan, C.J. Coleman, Harroun Hassouni, Pat Grace, and Robbie and Matt Donno. Chamber 101018A 1024x768 1
Tae Hyun Kim started his career at Equinox in Great Neck in 2008 as a licensed massage therapist and in 2009 he started a company called Five Phases Acupuncture PC. He continued to develop his traditional understanding of Qi in medicine in Tool Medicine, i.e., acupuncture, moxibustion, cupping, diet and herbal therapy, physical manipulations and Qi Gong. While doing so, his interest in technology and modern understanding of science broke him outside of his traditional training and he started to develop posture training, nutrition and peak performance. Tom Jasinski was hired in 2017 and together they became certified in QEEG in order to brain map and provide neurofeedback training. Kim rebranded his company as Primary Holistic Integrative “PHI” Center and expanded his office providing neurofeedback to help kids with ADHD and to help athletes reach their peak performance. To learn more about their work, check out www.phicenter.nyc and www.fivephases.com.
The next Manhasset Chamber of Commerce event scheduled will be a shredding event, Saturday, Oct. 20, at Staples Manhasset at 1410 Northern Blvd. from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Bring confidential documents you want to destroy to this safe location to shred. The event is free to the public, Staples regularly shreds documents for a fee. Meet members of the chamber and sign up to become a beautification member or visit www.manhassetny.org/membership or Adopt A Pole. Manhasset residents can become members of the Manhasset Chamber of Commerce.