Wednesday, May 1
Planning Board Meeting
At 7:30 p.m., the Village of Roslyn Estates will hold a Planning Board meeting. Village Hall is at 25 The Tulips. Call 516-621-3541
Thursday, May 2
Holocaust Remembrance Day
At 7 p.m., at Shelter Rock Jewish Center and in commemoration of the Holocaust, Dr. Robert Scott Kellner will present his new book, My Opposition: The Diary of Friedrich Kellner, A German Against the Third Reich. The center is at 272 Shelter Rock Road, Rd. Contact 516-741-4305 ext. 10, or
Thursday, May 2; Sunday, May 5
Holocaust Remembrance Services
On Thursday, May 2, at 7 p.m. and on Sunday, May 5, at 7 p.m., both Temple Beth Sholom and Trinity Episcopal Church will, respectively, hold Holocaust Remembrances services. Temple Beth Sholom is located at 401 Roslyn Rd. Call 516-621-2288. Trinity Episcopal is at 1579 Northern Blvd. Call 516-621-7925.
Monday, May 6
Zoning Board Of Appeals Meeting
At 8 p.m., the Village of Roslyn Zoning Board Of Appeals (ZBA) will hold a meeting. Village Hall is at 1200 Old Northern Blvd. Call 516-621-1961.
Tuesday, May 7
Christian Women’s Club Meeting
At 12:15 p.m., the Nassau North Shore Christian Women’s Club will hold a luncheon at the Jolly Fisherman & Steak House, 25 Main St., Roslyn. For reservations or information call Jane Voss 516-742-0861 (after 10 a.m.) or Alice Russo at 516248-9726 by April 25. The cost of the luncheon is $32.00. If you pay by check, make it out to “cash.”
Thursday, May 9
BOE Meeting
At 8 p.m., the Roslyn Public Schools Board of Education will hold a meeting in Roslyn High School. Agendas and minutes for Board of Education meetings are available at The high school is at 475 Round Hill Rd.
Thursday May 16
Jill Itzler Liberman Book Signing
At 7 p.m., Roslyn native Jill Itzler Liberman will be signing copies of her latest book, Success Factor X: Inspiration, Wisdom and Advice From 50 Of America’s Best at the Barnes and Noble book store at the Country Glen Center, Carle Place. The book store is at 91 Old Country Rd., Carle Place. Reserve your seats by calling the store at 516-741-9850.
Money Matters Audiobook
The Money Matters Book by Veronica Karas, offering financial knowledge to help readers achieve their goals, is available on audiobook;
Children’s Art Show
The Shelter Rock Library will display the creativity of its artists-in-residence and hope patrons will take a moment or two to enjoy the artwork of the children from our community. The artwork of students from Searingtown School will be on display during the month of May. The library is 165 Searingtown Rd. Call 516-248-7363.
Alzheimer’s and Dementia Caregiver Support Group
Grace Plaza Nursing and Rehabilitation, 15 St. Paul’s Place, Great Neck, holds a support group for caregivers taking care of those with Alzheimer’s and dementia the third Thursday of every month at 2 p.m. in the parlor room. For more information, contact Ellen Gray at 631-901-8708.
Volunteers Needed
Child Abuse Prevention Services (CAPS) is looking for concerned individuals to present their acclaimed classroom programs on bullying, Internet safety and child abuse prevention to students in the coming school year. CAPS urges anyone interested in learning more about volunteering to contact CAPS to schedule an interview at 516-621-0552 x305 or email:
Duplicate Bridge At Temple Judea
Three days of duplicate bridge are offered each week at Temple Judea of Manhasset. The game schedules are Mondays and Tuesdays at noon. For reservations and information for Monday and Tuesday games, contact Lyn Weiss at 718-279-1005. . Temple Judea is located at 333 Searingtown Rd. Contact 516-621-8049.
VFW Meeting
VFW Post #5253 meets every second and fourth Wednesday of the month at 8 p.m. at 155 Searingtown Rd., Albertson. For more information, call 516-833-7536.