
Letter To The Editor: School Board Elections

As a certified reading teacher, I know the critical importance of in-person instruction to students. This is especially crucial for aspiring readers in grades kindergarten through third grade. The lack of adequate instruction does have long-term consequences for many young learners. I applaud the decision of Adam Smith, Adam Block and Justin Renna to seek office as school board members in Port Washington. It is so important to have school board members who have children attending the district schools. New members of the school board offer new ideas in a district in need of building trust with parents and taxpayers.

The residents of Port Washington have never been given a clear picture of the circumstances surrounding the loss of more than $800,000 in transportation aid from New York State. Thankfully the Port Washington News reported on the error caused by the failure of the business office to apply for these funds during a 120-day window.

Transparency and openness are needed and accountability is warranted. Port Washington School District mailings need to include all pertinent information including financials to inform taxpayers of critical concerns.

Thank you to Mr. Block, Mr. Smith and Mr. Renna as school board candidates who can help move the school district forward with vision, transparency and openness. And why not.

—Joe Campbell