
Troop 46 Eagle Scout Honored By Town

(Photo courtesy of the Town of Oyster Bay)

Oyster Bay Town Supervisor Joseph Saladino recently honored Andrew Pandaliano (fourth from right) of Troop 46 in Farmingdale his Court of Honor ceremony for recently achieving the rank of Eagle Scout.

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(Photo courtesy of the Town of Oyster Bay)

Eagle Scout is the highest honor a Boy Scout can achieve after completing hours of community service and attaining numerous merit badges. Saladino joined with County Legislators Rose Walker and James Kennedy, New York State Assemblymen John Mikulin and Michael Durso and Mayor of Farmingdale Ralph Ekstrand to proudly present Pandaliano with a citation in recognition of this prestigious achievement, which only about 6 percent of all Boy Scouts attain.

-Submitted by the Town of Oyster Bay