
Letter: Former and Current Board Members Support Buckley And Grisafi

As former and current Board members, we are keenly aware of the scope of the job of a Herricks School Board Trustee. We believe Rich Buckley and Peter Grisafi have clearly shown, not only that they can do the job, but that they have done it extremely well. Both have served as vice president and president of the board and have excellent leadership skills. They are well prepared for all meetings and are in touch with all groups in the community. They are supportive of the kind of quality education that people in Herricks are accustomed to expect. They are keenly aware of the economic climate and the impact it has on taxpayers.

In critical times such as these we need board members with a proven record. Rich Buckley and Peter Grisafi have demonstrated their expertise over and over. We urge all residents of Herricks to vote Row A, Buckley and Grisafi, May 19, from 7 a.m. until 10 p.m. in the Herricks Community Center.

Nalini Chugh, Paul Ehrbar,
Sanjay Jain, Laura Susan Porsch,
Dt. T. Ravishankar, Barry Spool,
William Tountas and Christine Turner