Shop in Garden City First
I know that I often mention “Shop Garden City” and there is no better time than now to mention it again. Residents in the Village of Garden City are very fortunate in having a vital business community comprised of merchants who are committed to serve us from their shops along Franklin Avenue, Seventh Street and New Hyde Park Road. I urge each of you to continue to patronize these local businesses during the holiday season and throughout the year. Our business community wants to know how they are doing, so take a minute the next time you are shopping and let them know what you think about the quality of their products and attention to customer service.
Annual Fall Festival Street Fair and Homecoming Parade
Saturday, Oct. 24, will be a very festive day in our village marked by the Chamber of Commerce’s 30th annual “Fall Festival Street Fair,” combined with the annual High School Homecoming Day Parade and the annual Street Fair. Bring your family and enjoy the community spirit and fun.
The chamber’s Street Fair on Seventh Street and Franklin Avenue is scheduled to begin at 9:30 a.m. and will run through midafternoon. Seventh Street, between Franklin and Hilton avenues, will be closed to all traffic from 7 a.m. until 5:30 p.m. For your convenience, please use the Hilton and Franklin avenue entrances to Parking Field 7S and the Stewart Avenue entrances to Parking Field 7N. The High School’s Homecoming Parade will step off promptly at 12:15 p.m. from the most easterly end of Seventh Street and proceed west along Seventh Street to Cathedral Avenue, north onto Stewart Avenue, west to Oxford Boulevard and north to the high school parking field. The Homecoming festivities and football game will follow the parade at the Warren King Field.
Board of Trustees Meeting Schedule
The next regularly scheduled board of trustees meetings for November are: Nov. 5 and Nov. 19.
Village’s Website
I encourage residents to periodically utilize the village’s website for information regarding the village’s operations, as well as items of seasonal and special interest. The address is For your convenience, listed on the village’s home page is a Calendar of Community Events.