
Mayor’s Report: January 8, 2010

Budget Work Sessions

I would like to remind you that the Board of Trustees will be conducting work sessions to review the proposed 2010/2011 Operating/Capital Budgets on:

Thursday, Jan. 28 at 7 p.m. (Operating Budget/Work Session)

Saturday, Feb. 6 at 8:30 a.m. (Operating Budget/Work Session)

Thursday, Feb. 25 at 7 p.m. (Budget Work Session 1 – Board Review)

Saturday, Feb. 27 at 8:30 a.m. (Budget Work Session 2 – Board Review)

Wednesday, March 3 at 7 p.m. (Final Budget Work Session)

These sessions are currently scheduled to be held in the Board Room at Village Hall, located at 351 Stewart Avenue in Garden City.

Garden City Water Department

The Garden City Water Department has been and continues to be proactive in protecting the quality of your drinking water. To this end, the Department maintains constant contact with our state legislators and the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) to insist that the agency take every proactive measure possible to address potentially hazardous waste sites within our community. The NYSDEC is the state agency that has jurisdiction in investigating and cleaning up hazardous waste sites.

A recent news article has indicated that the groundwater supply in our Village was recently impacted by tetrachloroethylene (commonly referred to as PCE), and other contaminants to a lesser extent. The article is very misleading since we treat our water to remove harmful contaminants. This article failed to inform readers that Garden City Water always has and will continue to be proactive with water quality monitoring. Hence, the Department was able to detect the contaminant prior to becoming a threat and provide wellhead treatment.

In addition, we bring such concerns to the attention of the NYSDEC and local health department for investigation and action. Presently, the NYSDEC is expanding its assessment of several inactive hazardous waste sites located within the area. The Water Department has been vigilant over the past several years in this matter by demanding that the NYSDEC construct additional monitoring wells at strategic depths due to groundwater contamination concerns and possible impact on Department supply wells. It is our understanding that some of the hazardous waste spills may have occurred well over 20 years ago.

We would like to assure the community that the drinking water provided by the Village Water Department is absolutely safe to drink and complies with all of the stringent federal, state and county standards established for drinking water. Residents can be assured that the Water Department takes every proactive measure within its jurisdiction to protect public health. This includes the installation of wellhead treatment systems at several of our facilities to ensure the safety of our drinking water. The Village is always looking to the future and we do not want to wait for the aforementioned pollution problem to become a crisis. We will continue to urge that the NYSDEC keep the community updated in this matter.

Collection of Christmas Trees and Wreaths for Recycling

A reminder to residents who have a natural Christmas tree or wreath to dispose of, please leave them at the curb on your regularly scheduled recycling collection day. They will be collected by the Department of Public Works and offered to other agencies for beach erosion control or rendered at the Village Yard for use around trees and shrubs as mulch.

Please assist the Village by removing tree stands and plastic bags from the discarded trees and cooperate with your neighbors by disposing of them only on the scheduled recycling collection days.

If you have an artificial Christmas tree, call the Sanitation Department for a “Special Pickup” at 465-4031 or 465-4032.

Board of Trustees Meeting Schedule

The next regularly scheduled Board of Trustees meeting will be on Thursday, Jan. 14 at 8 p.m.

Village’s Website

I encourage residents to periodically utilize the village’s website for information regarding the Village’s operations, as well as items of seasonal and special interest. The address is www.gardencityny.net. For your convenience, listed on the Village’s home page under the Heading of the Department of Public Works are guidelines for Garbage, Rubbish and Recycling.