
Letter: No Increase for Seniors

I feel sorry for the senior citizens. While school taxes keep going up, my mom pays more school tax now than when we went to school.

With her medical coverage she can’t get more than a 30-day supply of prescription drugs because it’s too much money. Oil and gas prices keep going up but there has been no increase in Social Security for two years. Where are the seniors going to get this extra money? Or is that the plan the government has for them; to push them out. I hope I am wrong but that’s how it looks. If Congress can get a 2 percent raise, why can’t the senior citizens? Stop taking away from the ones that need it the most. Take the money from the ones who have it.

As of Friday, Jan. 15 Governor Paterson has $3 million of “Campaign Cash,” State Attorney General Andrew Cuomo has $16.12 million, Suffolk County Executive Steve Levy has $4.1 million, former representative Rick Lazio has $659,000 and Erie County Executive Chris Collins has $1 million!

If you add all that up you won’t need to take it from these poor seniors. Someone hear them cry for help.

Dolores Calceglia