
Letter: GC Merchant Group Encourages Residents to Shop Local

We are all facing trying economic times — particularly our Garden City Merchants. I don’t have to quote national statistics to prove our financial condition — just read the front page of any newspaper.

The purpose of this letter is to inform the citizens of Garden City about the state of affairs for our merchants. I’m sure many of you know of several store closings, but the current number is alarming with more soon to face a similar fate.

To date, these stores have either closed or moved on to less expensive space. In no particular order, Atlantis Chemist, Panoteca Bread, Wardrobe Room, GC Shoe Shop, Unique Boutique, Andrew Roberts GC Deli, Mahio, Quizzones, Disalavo Galleries, Things and Stuffs (closed and then reopened). And there are more to come.

For years, these same merchants and those fortunate enough to still be in business, have supported our village in so many ways. As a former director for the Garden City Men’s Association, these merchants have taken out ads in our annual Yearbook, bought raffle tickets, donated their goods and services for raffles, and that was for one organization. Think of the many other organizations in the village, our schools, churches, and other charities (too many to mention) that have been supported by our merchants.

We are fortunate to have the Garden City Chamber of Commerce, through a subcommittee — The Garden City Merchants Group chaired by John Wilton — to take on the task of our own “stimulus package” in an effort to support our merchants. John’s committee has been meeting for months and collecting dollars from our merchants to promote and advertise as a group in hopes of generating business for all merchants in town.

Yes, our merchants may be slightly more expensive than Costco and other large chains, but when the time comes to ask for donations and support for the many charities and groups soliciting funds, who do they go to?

As a member of the Merchants Group, we are asking you before you go out for a meal, buy a good or need a service, to please think of our merchants. They are all local and some live in Garden City, but most important, they provide excellent goods and services and you can be assured they will go out of their way to accommodate you any way they can. Please or contact me at johneappelt@aol.com for more information or to learn more about our weekly meetings, which are open to all merchants of Garden City.

John E. Appelt

Member of the Garden City Merchant Group