
Letter: Appalled at Personal Attacks Against Frank Scaturro

I’ve seen a couple letters to the editor in local papers asking Frank Scaturro to quit the Republican race for Congress, Then I received a piece of literature at my doorstep from Mr. Scaturro’s opponent, Fran Becker, personally attacking Mr. Scaturro. I have also watched last Tuesday’s debate, with all three of the Republican Primary candidates, which you can see on the Conservative Society for Action’s website under “Meet the Candidates” at http://www.csa-1776.org/.

I am appalled at the politics of personal diatribe that the Becker side is trying to employ. The literature I received had lies about Mr. Scaturro’s background, trying to make it sound as if Frank was Sen. Specter’s personal aide when in reality Frank served as Counsel for the Constitution on the Senate Judiciary Committee while Specter was the ranking Republican. The end result of Frank’s service was the successful appointment of Supreme Court Justices Roberts and Alito, who have provided the crucial margin in several decisions.

At the debate Mr. Becker descended into a rant attacking Mr. Scaturro personally with ridiculous claims about him not living in the district. I assure you, Frank Scaturro has lived in this community all his life with the exception of some of his work and academic career. Perhaps most importantly, he has paid taxes here his whole life and knows the burden our government places upon us. I have known Frank since he was a Junior in Chaminade and have worked with him politically off and on over a period of two decades. Frank is one of the few people I have seen operate in the beltway environment and return with the same values he started with.

I do worry about those who have not had the chance to learn about the candidates might be unduly influenced by the lies Becker is pushing. Frank Scaturro is an honest candidate who has built a strong campaign with unprecedented fundraising. As anyone who has seen the candidates in person must realize, Frank has much better command of the issues. The challenges we face in our nation today require someone with top-notch credentials and a strong sense of duty to the people. Frank has these qualities.

Do your duty as a Republican, get online and watch them speak, listen to their ideas, read their backgrounds, then make your decision. Don’t let your vote be swayed by the politics of personal innuendo.

Edward J Wirzulis

New Hyde Park