This year the Running Club of Garden City, a committee within the Welcoming Club of Garden City, is pleased to report their plans to participate in many exciting running events! It is with great pleasure that committee co-leaders Lynnette McKenna and Lisa Colletti announce that over 50 women from our club will be participating in the first ever, women’s only ”Diva Half Marathon” on Saturday, Oct. 3. This event will be taking place in the Eisenhower Park and Museum Row area.
Many of these women had never run more than a mile or two at any time before joining our group. Within a few weeks of their training, mileage racked up and friendships evolved over the early morning runs throughout the village. The Divas have become a well-known group within our town and a familiar fixture at the St. Paul’s meeting spot.
Congratulations to the following women who will represent the Garden City Running Club at this race:
Kerri Andersen Jen March
Nicole Archer Amy McCoy
Maria Arianas Keri McElroy
Jody Benick Lynnette McKenna
Andrea Bharucha Liz McQuaid
Stacey Brisman Patricia Megale
Suzanne Brogie Christine Meringolo
Tricia Brown Dorothy Murphy
Cheryl Buccella Meghan Murphy
Jeanne Marie Buccellato Beth Murray
Nancy Campo Jennifer O’Hanlon
Jennie Chao Alison Palmer
Lisa Clyne Susan Parry
Shawn Cohen Jobeana Perisa
Lisa Colletti Tricia Poppe
Ada Coonerty Valerie Santremo
Nicole DeLeon Jen Sapuppo
Karen Foley Cathy Teri
Amy Franklin Karen Thompson
Danielle Gaudio-Lalezhar Brenda Torres
Melanie Ginsberg Mary Valitutto-Gaudiosi
Jennifer Gisolfi Natalie Vanhenderik
Karen Giumenta Tina Vasilakis
Jackie Goode-Daughney Jeannine Votruba
Vanessa Higgins Tara Walsh
Michelle Keating Claudia Ward
Mary Landsfield Cynthia Welch
Maura Liberopoulos Nancy Willis
Susan Loukes Melissa Woodard
Jill Maldonado
The Running Club is comprised of walkers and runners of all levels and welcomes both men and women to join at any time. The next planned running event will be the annual Garden City Turkey Trot, a five-mile race on Thanksgiving Day. It is never too late to start training.
Anyone interested in joining please contact Lynnette McKenna at 741-2425 or at