
Letter: The Race Between Nicolosi and Ra

I belong to neither the Republican Party, nor the Democratic Party.  When I make a selection in the voting booth, I make choices based on a candidate’s credentials rather than a candidate’s party affiliation. This election, I have paid particularly close attention to the Assembly race between Patrick Nicolosi and Ed Ra. I have read all the materials on each candidate, and have watched the debates between the two. I can unequivocally state that Patrick Nicolosi is the right candidate for this Assembly seat.

Pat’s understanding of the issues facing this District, his plan to create jobs, his plan for economic development, and his common sense ideas to make government more efficient and responsible to the people it serves are reason enough to support him. I see no bigger advocate in Albany for this District than Patrick Nicolosi.

However, the most important reason I am supporting him is his political independence. Pat was not his party’s choice and had to earn his way on the ballot through the will of the people.

Party politics is what has disenfranchised the average voter with both political parties. The only candidate who brings a truly independent voice to Albany is Patrick Nicolosi.

Muzzio Tallini

Garden City