
Local Scout Joey Marcus Helps Beautify Hicksville

Welcome Sign Revamped as Part of Eagle Project  

Local resident and newly distinguished Eagle Scout Joey Marcus, along with the help of his peers and friends, recently completed the beautification of the “Welcome to Hicksville” sign on the corner of Old Country Road and Levittown Parkway.

The project began back in September, as Marcus and fellow Scouts held a car wash to help fund the project. During the first week of October, the group began cleaning up the area before planting bulbs, flowers and an apropos fall scarecrow.

Marcus also led the charge in the revamping of the Vietnam Veterans sign adjacent to the welcome sign, placing a wreath near the sign in addition to adding a solar spotlight to the welcome sign for illumination during the evening.

On Nov. 14, Marcus was honored at the Hicksville VFW, where several family members, friends and local officials came out to commend and recognize him for his service to the community.

During his speech, Marcus said, “I want to let the Scouts as well as fellow servers know that their efforts are appreciated and forever will be. Service comes in many ways, shapes and forms – not only with those that serve in the military, but with people and animals as well.”

Marcus noted that he believed four points of service – honor, respect, courage and bravery – are the keys to making our country, as well as our community, a better place in which to live.

In order for Marcus to become an Eagle Scout, he had to keep a log and document the progress of his Eagle Project with pictures and notes before it was submitted to a reviewer. An application with an essay is then put together to display how the project connected him to others through leadership and service. Eventually, Marcus will be acknowledged as an Eagle Scout with a Court of Honor, or a small party, which is planned for sometime in the spring.

In attendance was Legislator Rose Marie Walker, a representative from Town of Oyster Bay Supervisor John Venditto, Town of Oyster Bay Councilman Joseph Pinto, Greg Bennett, representatives from the Charles Wagner American Legion, VFW’s Howard Bergeron, Hicksville firefighters Mike Kelly, Raymond Ganville, Joseph Bonar, Marc Bonar, Frank Sala and Danny Fazzino, as well as Henry Goessmann (Hicksville Gardens Civic Association), fellow Scouts, family and friends.

Marcus noted that the Nov. 14 ceremony was to “honor all of you and all of the great things each and every one of you have done,” and it’s likely the Hicksville community is honored to have a resident like Joey Marcus to call one of their own.