
Letter: Support for John Menig

On Dec. 14, the residents of Hicksville will be electing a new fire commissioner to fill the vacancy presently held by Robert Manson who is not running for re-election. We are asking you to come out and support Ex Captain John Menig. John is a lifelong resident of Hicksville and has been an active member of the fire department since 1980.

As former Chiefs of the Hicksville Fire Department, during our tenure as Chief we turned to John numerous times to serve on committees within the department. He never shied away from any task and did the best possible job he could do and did it with the best interest of the members of the department and the community in mind.

With his experience, dedication and commitment to the members and community, we know that John will make the right decision to provide the best equipment for fire protection and emergency medical services for our members and you, the families that make up this great community. He will do this by making his own decision and with good fiscal responsibility.

John is a dedicated father and family man and has the best interest of the community in mind. Please come out and vote John Menig the next Fire Commissioner for Hicksville.

Steven Doucette                                                                                                                                                          

Ex Chief

Owen MaGee                                                                                                                                                                

Ex Chief

Bill Schuckman

Ex Chief and Commissioner

Tony Wigdzinski                                                                                                                                                            

Ex Chief and Commissioner