
Letter: Decries Abortion Toll

“Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.”  These three rights are strongly defended and loved by the American people.  In fact, we have fought wars and risked lives to protect them.  As we recall the anniversary of Roe vs. Wade, the court case that legalized abortion, we must ask ourselves: what about the rights of the 47 million babies who have been killed since 1973?

During the Second World War, America helped put an end to the cruel concentration camps in Europe.  Yet today, an even greater, silent holocaust is waged within our very own borders.  Every year, over a million babies are aborted.  In short, the most fundamental right, that of life, which is the basis of all the others, is being denied to our own people.  Some may ask whether the unborn child is really a human.  The answer is yes.  Science tells us that the unborn baby has a distinct, unchanging, and unrepeatable genetic code, unique in all of history, from the moment of conception till death.

Many say that a woman has the “right” to choose.  And what of the baby’s right?  Even more, it is illegal in this country to harm the unhatched eggs of an eagle.  Why then, is it legal to kill an unborn child, who is more precious than any bird?

Should life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness be denied to our unborn babies?  To answer in the affirmative would be highly un-American and simply immoral.

MaryAnn Berman