
Police Presence at Work

How do we explain the title of this opinion piece?  Probably to say most of us just need a little reminder to obey the traffic laws. Seeing a clear road with few cars driving in front of you, it is easy to let your foot lean on the gas and go over the speed limit.

Recently we have experienced a calming of the traffic on Route 106 between Route 25A and Route 107. Some evenings we have spotted a Muttontown Police car parked on the median – just sitting there, doing its job. In the mornings we have spotted the Muttontown Police with stopped cars at the side of the road.

If we have been seeing that, so have other users on Route 106, with positive results.

It has been an interesting process seeing the new police force being created by Muttontown Mayor Julianne Beckerman. Her move has solved a long-standing problem about finding a larger building for the Old Brookville Police Department. That deserves congratulations.

We had been covering the several projects under consideration by the OBPD – which included building a new stationhouse in Muttontown. But using the second floor of the existing village hall was a great idea.

We congratulate the Village of Muttontown on its new presence locally – which it turns out, we appreciate.                                                   -DFK