
Mystery Picture: January 31, 2012

Gaby Treble Knows Oyster Bay

Gaby Treble, a student in the third grade at the Vernon School called to answer the mystery picture in the Jan. 19 Enterprise Pilot. [The Jan. 26 mystery picture is still a mystery.]

Gaby said, “I know where the last picture was taken, it’s a baseball and it’s right by the new soccer field. It’s by the bay, at Roosevelt Park and right next to the baseball field. I hope I’m right and I really think I am because I just had a soccer game there yesterday (Jan. 25) and the Lady Owls won.”

Dan Walker called and said, “We just got our Enterprise Pilot in Alabama and that baseball is in front of the soccer field.” He is correct. He too was here during the Oyster Festival, when the picture was taken. He was involved with the events at the waterfront and the fireboat the John J Harvey during the annual event.

Billy Minicozzi recognized the mystery photo in the Jan. 26 issue as being of a big crystal ball. [We are still waiting for a call as to the location.] On a sports note, he was glad to say the Giants will be on TV next Sunday as they play in the Super Bowl. He said Eli Manning will be playing and added, “Let’s go Giants!”

So there we are, one down, one to go in the mystery picture challenge. Just where could that crystal globe be located? Hmmmmm? Where do you think the Enterprise Pilot photographer was the week of Jan. 17 – to take the photograph? Hmmmm…..

 – DFK