Bam Margera was rushed to the hospital for an emergency operation on Thursday after a kayaking accident, Wonderwall reported.
The “prankster,” best known for appearing on MTV shows like “Jackass” and “Bam’s Unholy Union,” was taken in for surgery for an emergency hernia operation after he injured himself during a kayaking stunt in Oregon.
Uh oh. Bam Margera is in the hospital, again.
Margera, who has always been known as a thrill-seeker from his MTV days, attempted a 100 foot drop while he was kayaking. Though he had the assistance of professional sportsman Steve Fisher, the fall did not go as smoothly as planned.
The “Jackass” reality star first shared the news with his fans. The 32-year-old posted a picture on his Twitter page of himself in a tandem kayak with Fisher. He later shocked his fans with a follow-up photo hours later. Fans were probably expected another goofy shot of Bam, but instead they viewed a photo of him in a hospital bed, with the added caption, “Hernia operation after 100ft kayak drop.”
Margera had still not been released from the hospital on Friday, but it’s nothing new for him. It’s definitely not the first time Bam has ever been in the hospital. Throughout his career he has been rushed to the hospital many times for attempting and performing some crazy stunts.
Even though Bam is now in his thirties, he was taken to the hospital for broken bones last summer. He had fallen down a flight of stairs and claimed he had been “horsing around.”
Do you think Bam will ever grow up?