
Mystery Picture: June 12, 2012

Marg Buffa Knows Oyster Bay

Marg Buffa, a former Oyster Bay resident, now of Bayville, identified the mystery picture in the June 7 issue of the Enterprise Pilot. She said, “It’s Bay Shoes which was owned by Carmen Berlangero, my husband’s cousin, and it’s located at the corner of West Main and South Street. My parents always took us there to get shoes. Carmen was terrific. I love that the picture was taken so long ago, with the Volkswagen and the parking signs.”

Harry Slutter said, “It’s where Appliance World is now in Oyster Bay and it was where Bay Shoes was for many years.”

Billy Minicozzi too, recognized that the photo was of Bay Shoes.

Rosemary Colvin identified the mystery picture as, “Bay Shoes and Elizabeth Cullimore, next door, on the corner of South Street (Route 106) and West Main Street. When I moved here in 1958, we all had to buy our shoes there because in those days we were told the children needed sturdy shoes…  which, by the way, cost a fortune.  Nowadays they are better off wearing flipflops and going barefoot.

“Elizabeth Cullimore was a lovely women’s store and was where I bought my first mother of the bride dress,” she added.

Belle Santora too, remembered Elizabeth Cullimore’s store. She said, “It had beautiful clothes. I used to buy things there a lot. I graduated from Pratt as a fashion designer and my friend was the designer of many of the clothes that Elizabeth Cullimore sold. And the old car too is wonderful to see, there in the middle of Oyster Bay. It brings back wonderful, wonderful memories of those stores.”

Ginny Serringer said, “The picture brings back memories. It’s Bay Shoes and I used to shop there for shoes and at Elizabeth Cullimore.  She was on Audrey Avenue too. I love the picture of South Street and West Main Street.”

Sally Robilotto of East Norwich called and said, “Bay Shoes is where the Coin Gallery is now. Of course, I may be wrong.” She is correct, in that she is wrong.

Elaine of Bayville called to say the picture is where the Appliance World store is on South and West Main Street.

Laurie Ann Cody said, “It’s a picture of Bay Shoes and has to be from the ’60s or ’70s. It is now the location of Appliance World. I used to get my shoes there (at Bay Shoes). It’s on South Street and West Main Street.”

Bayville Mayor Doug Watson called and correctly identified the corner where the photo was taken as hosting, “The Appliance World building.”

Gregory Adami called to say, “It’s Bay Shoes on the corner of West Main Street and South Street. It’s now where Appliance World is. In 1977 I bought a pair of shoes there. The picture was taken in the mid to late ’60s before the parking on the road was changed.”

“What a great photo,” said Christopher Benny. “It’s the old shoe store where Appliance World now is, on the corner of South and West Main Street. The photo brings back some great memories of the old mom and pop stores, i.e.: Bay Shoes, Hanophy’s, Snouder’s, Oyster Bay Sports Store. There are just too many to list.” But, he did a great job. Maybe he should have added Nobman’s and Bernstein’s.

“Finally a picture I know.  This is the old shoe store on the corner of South Street, and West Main Street, across from Snouder’s Corner Drugstore. The store (Elizabeth Cullimore) was in the former clothing store owned by Dave Bernstein. Carmen Berlangero was the owner of Bay Shoes,” said Tony Pilla, now of Anniston, AL.

Leven Ashby sent an email saying, “It’s a picture taken at the corner of West Main and South Street.  I believe its Bay Shoes across from Snouder’s. Bernstein’s store was next door from Bay Shoes, when I lived in Oyster Bay. Upstairs in the building to the right was the office of Dr. Figman, a dentist, that I used to go to.  I may have spelled the doctor’s last name wrong.  It was a long time back.  Tell me I’m right. Cheers.”

“It is the corner of South Street and West Main Street which is now home to Appliance World,” said Jessica Craft.

Susan McKay Bohner called to say, “It’s Bay Shoes where I first got my (special) shoes. My grandmother took me there for my first pair of Mary Jane shoes. They were Buster Brown shoes. The other shop is Elizabeth Cullimore and we went there too.

“I normally get all the mystery pictures but I had to call for this one,” she said.

The photo was stored in a desk at Anton Newspapers and recently turned up. It was taken in 1968. We thought it was very interesting that the Volkswagen, with the soft top, was parked at an angle at the curb, as if there was diagonal parking at that time. Any comments?   

This photograph certainly hit a chord with readers. It’s great when that happens.