
Letter: Please Sign Online Petition

Effective July 6, Nassau County has terminated all county-funded youth and family services and has made dramatic reductions to drug treatment programs. This decision was made in spite of the fact that these neighborhood-based programs serve well over 50,000 people in our county.

It is irresponsible for elected officials to allow programs and agencies to shut their doors and deny our most vulnerable residents vital services during times of their greatest need. This decision must be reversed immediately. Our legislators were elected to serve all of their constituents, particularly those in greatest need, and it is everyone’s responsibility to ensure that they do nothing less.

Please join us in this effort and let our government officials hear loud and clear that the future of our county lies in the hands of the voters. Children and healthy families are the future and strength of this county…with your signature, we will send this message to those who may have forgotten.

To read more about what we are trying to do and to sign this petition, visit http://tinyurl.com/7v8njqf.  

Please pass this petition on to your friends, co-workers, neighbors, etc. Please post on any social media sites that you belong to. We thank you for your support.

Hicksville Boys & Girls Club