
Mystery Picture: July 30, 2012

Gergory Adami Knows Oyster Bay

Gregory Adami called to identify the mystery picture in the July 26 issue of the Enterprise Pilot. He said, “It’s the Oyster Bay train station. The gate is closing off the back of the old train station so you can’t walk down the old platform there.”

We also received an email from Rich Mancini saying. “Hello Oyster Bay, long time no see.

“The photo seems to be the back side of the railroad station. To the left would be Roosevelt Park and to the right would be Hamilton Ave. I lived at 50 Hamilton Ave. for a while right across from Mike and Angie Pilla.”

Rich is a member of the Oyster Bay High School Class of  ‘68.

We love those detailed answers that give a hint of Oyster Bay’s fabled past.

Keep guessing everyone, and more information is always welcome.