
theLevittownTribune.com Calendar

Stock Market Seminar – February 12

Grumman Hearing – February 13

Red Hat Society – February 14

Tuesday, February 12

Stock Market Seminar

The Long Island Stock Traders Meetup Group presents a free seminar on Feb. 12, 6:45 to 9:15 p.m., to educate on investing strategies, at the Plainview-Old Bethpage Public Library 999 Old Country Rd. Guest Speakers: Best-selling author and options specialist Larry McMillan, and Stanley Dash of TradeStation. Topic: Using technical analysis to pick winning stocks and options. All levels of experience welcome. For more info and directions go to: www.meetup.com/LISTMG or call 516-385-8244.

Wednesday, February 13 

Grumman Hearing

The New York State Department of Health will hold a public meeting on Wednesday, Feb. 13 to discuss its recently released evaluation of cancer occurrence and environmental exposures in the area of the Naval Weapons Industrial Reserve Plant and Grumman sites in Bethpage. The public meeting will begin at 7:30 p.m. in the auditorium of Bethpage High School at 10 Cherry Avenue, Bethpage.

Thursday, February 14

Red Hat Society

The Levittown chapter of the Red Hat Society will meet at the Levittown Library Community Room on Thursday, Feb. 14, at 10 a.m. to discuss planned future events.   The Sophisticats chapter will celebrate its 11th year in February and we invite potential  members to come and visit. For more information e-mail felinequeenjean@aol.com.

Saturday, February 16


Levittown Community Council 12th Annual WinterFest will be held on Saturday, Feb. 16 from 11:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Levittown Hall, 201 Levittown Parkway in Hicksville. A day of games, crafts, entertainment and activities for families, free. Free raffles to all adults who attend. Refreshments available for purchase. Contact Pat Patane at (516) 579-2831 or Louise Cassano at (516) 735-5901 for more information.

Gun Buy Back Program 

Gun Buy Back Program to be held on Saturday, Feb. 16 from 9 a.m. to noon at Grace Cathedral, 944 Jerusalem Avenue in Uniondale. The program is anonymous and individuals will be paid $100 cash for every turned in operable rifle, $200 cash for each turned in operable handgun and $400 cash for each turned in operable assault rifle. Not accepted are: licensed guns, BB Guns, air pistols, long guns and replicas. Guns transported by car must be transported in the trunk of the car and must be unloaded and put in a plastic or paper bag or in a shoebox.

Wednesday, February 20

League Of Women Voters: Is Democracy for Sale?  

New York’s campaign contribution limits are sky high. Learn what can be done to increase voter participation in elections and to enable candidates to compete more equitably for public office. Learn why we need Fair Elections in New York State. Come to the League of Women Voter’s meeting on Wednesday, Feb. 20 at 3:30 p.m. at the Levittown Library, 2 Bluegrass Lane. The speaker, Carol Mellor, is a member of the LWV of NYS Board. For information, call 516-785-3213 or 516-221-1948.

Thursday, February 21

Stock Market DayTrader Group Meeting

Meet with the Long Island DayTrader Meetup Group, a team of enthusiastic investors who share your interest in the stock market to discuss investing, day / swing trading strategies and all markets. All levels welcome. Free. 9:30 a.m. to noon at the Plainview-Old Bethpage Public Library, 999 Old Country Rd., 516-385-8244  www.meetup.com/LISTMG for more information.

Tuesday, February 26

Preservation Society Lecture

Enjoy and evening of suspense, secrecy, code breaking, bravery and patriotism! The Wantagh Preservation Society will be hosting the lecture, “George Washington’s Long Island Spy Ring,” by guest speaker, Sandy Leonard (Regent Jerusalem Chapter- Daughters of the American Revolution), on Tuesday, Feb. 26 at 7:30 p.m. at the Wantagh Public Library, 3285 Park Ave. Call 516-221-1200 for more information. All are welcome; refreshments will be served.

Ongoing Events

Miscarriage Support Group

A safe, confidential, supportive environment to talk about what you have been through, reactions and feelings and how to move forward. You are not alone. Facilitated by a professional therapist. Three consecutive Tuesday evenings at 8 p.m. in the Hicksville-Plainview area. $60 for three meetings. To register call Nancy Berlow, LCSW: 516-356-7109. All inquiries are confidential.

Soldiers Angels

Soldiers Angels sends care packs to deployed troops all through the year. Cards and letters for our deployed troops, local veterans and for our wounded heroes are also needed. Soldiers Angels also accepts donations for our local veteran missions in the community. For more information on this and other local missions of support email mwheeler@soldiersangels.org. You may drop off cards and letters of support to the LevitStyle office at 19 Jerusalem Ave., Levittown. You can also visit the Soldiers Angels website at www.soldiersangels.org.

Twin County Chorus 

Ladies, do you love to sing? Then we’ve got a place for you. Join Twin County Chorus in the joys of a cappella harmony. We rehearse every Thursday evening in Levittown from 7 to 9:45 p.m. Call Bobbi at 516-798-4325 or Susan at 516-729-8323 for more information. Or visit the website: www.twincounty.org.