Each year, thousands of MacArthur High School students, staff, alumni and residents enter the high school complex for athletic events, community activities and academic events. In commemoration of the high school’s 50th anniversary, the community is invited to be a part of its 50th Anniversary Brick Fundraiser.
Patrons can purchase a brick engraved with a special message for the school’s Walk of Recognition. You may want to consider a brick to honor the memory of a loved one, to celebrate a special event or accomplishment, or to commemorate family members. Companies and organizations may wish to support the walkway with a customized brick displaying their name.
A brick on the Walk of Recognition will be a highly visible and permanent testimony of loyalty to MacArthur High School. To purchase a brick, download an instruction form on the Levittown School District website at www.levittownschools.com. For additional information, please contact sphillips@levittownschools.com or nsavage@levittownschools.com.